Treatment centers RenalGuard Germany


Cardiological centers and practices that work with RenalGuard ® can be found here:

Postcodes of treatment centers that work with RenalGuard

Privatdozent Dr. Sebastian A. Phillipp
Elbe Kliniken Stade-Buxtehude GmbH

Bremervörder Straße 111
21682 Stade
Tel.: +49 (4141) 6040

To the website

Postcodes of treatment centers that work with RenalGuard

Professor Dr. Björn Andrew Remppi’s
Herz- und Gefäßzentrum Bad Bevensen

Römstedter Strasse 25
29549 Bad Bevensen
Tel.: +49 (5821) 820

To the website

Postcodes of treatment centers that work with RenalGuard

Dr. Oliver von Haxthausen
Johannistift Paderborn

Reumontstraße 28
33102 Paderborn
Tel.: +49 (5251) 401231

To the website

Postcodes of treatment centers that work with RenalGuard

Dr. Ahmed Farah
Klinikum Westfalen
Knappschaftskrankenhaus Dortmund
Am Knappschaftskrankenhaus 1
44309 Dortmund
Tel.: +49 (231) 9220

To the website

Postcodes of treatment centers that work with RenalGuard

Dr. med. Markus Reinartz

Medizinische Klinik I

Südring 8
56428 Dernbach
Tel.: +49 (2602) 684225

To the website

Postcodes of treatment centers that work with RenalGuard

Prof. Dr. med. Marcus Hennersdorf
SLK-Kliniken Heilbronn GmbH

Am Gesundbrunnen 20-26
74078 Heilbronn
Tel.: +49 (7131) 490

To the website

Postcodes of treatment centers that work with RenalGuard

Dr. Roland Brückl
Klinikum Freising

Akademisches Lehrkrankenhaus
Alois-Steinecker-Str. 18
85354 Freising
Tel.: +49 (8161) 244303

To the website

Postcodes of treatment centers that work with RenalGuard

Dr. Walter Wetzel-Roth
Wertachklinik Schwabmünchen

Weidenhartstraße 35
86830 Schwabmünchen
Tel.: +49 (8232) 508-0

To the website

Postcodes of treatment centers that work with RenalGuard

Dr. Christian Foster
Diakonie Klinik Neuendettelsau

Heilsbronner Straße 44
91564 Neuendettelsau
Tel.: +49 (9874) 85233

To the website

Prof. Dr. med. Andreas Jeron
Rems- Murr-Kliniken Winnenden 

Am Jacobsweg 1
71364 Winnenden
Tel.: 0719559139140

To the website


Univ.-Prof. Dr. med. Stephan Gielen
Klinikum Lippe 

Röntgenstraße 18
32756 Detmold
Tel.: 05231 721181

To the website

Dipl.Biochem. Ralf Weßel
Krankenhaus Verden 

Eitzer Str. 20
27283 Verden
Tel.: 04231 1031300

To the website

Priv.Doz. Dr. med. Felix Post
Katholisches Klinikum Koblenz- Montabaur 

56073 Koblenz
Tel.: 02614963132

To the website